Less Shitty, Less Alone Worldwide

Our primary goal is to help more people in more places feel a little LESS SHITTY and a little LESS ALONE. We do this by having raw (and honest) conversations with suicide attempt SURVIVORS. Their stories - their words. In doing so, we also aim to raise awareness and dispel dangerous myths. JOIN US as we continue to cultivate more spaces to really talk and reimagine the narrative(s) - not only about suicide, but all kinds of hard stuff that so many of us go through (alone). You can listen to the podcast wherever you enjoy listening to your favorite audio shows. To learn more about additional ways to support the work, including perks, please keep reading.

Quick Message from the Bald Guy (who hates mosquitoes)

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Mini Manifesto

Ok, so if you're here, you're probably already on board with a lot of this, but --

We believe the mental health crisis we often hear about in mainstream media, among other places, is inaccurate, incomplete and often dangerous, particularly around suicide.

While no doubt many mental health organizations and institutions, including their employees, are doing important work and are presumably well intentioned, we continue to face a growing crisis.

What's the PROBLEM?
Every year, many millions of people around the world attempt to take their own lives - millions. And if millions attempt, how many people are on that path? Suffering, often alone.

Either way, we almost never talk about it.

Why? One reason is because there is almost nowhere to talk about it - not in ways that we strongly believe are actually safe.

And when we do talk about it...

1. We are too often met with fear, discomfort and/or shame (among other damaging things).

2. Those in positions of support - even the well intentioned - don’t know how to engage with people who do choose to open up and talk (did we ever learn?)

3. Our most common style of listening is corrective (fixing, diagnosing, comparing, minimizing, denying etc.), which is not actually listening at all but is deceptively dangerous.

As a result, people in despair and distress often stop talking, and start considering other options. And all the while, there's just a whole lot of suffering.

Some other important contributing factors:
  • A tendency to for our culture outsource empathy
  • An obsession solely with prevention
  • An inability and/or disinterest in candid conversation
  • A focus more on issues of liability and 'risk mitigation' than well being
  • A system designed to emphasize profit over people
  • Ill informed and/or ill equipped policy makers and decision makers 

What's the SOLUTION?
How is this podcast (and this membership) helping?

Full transparency - we are acutely aware of our limitations in this complicated, global issue.

That said, our goal from the start was have candid, no bullshit conversations with suicide attempt survivors to not only raise awareness and dispel myths, but to help people feel less shitty and less alone. 

To be clear, it's not just THAT we talk about it, but HOW we talk about it - so we talk about it in ways that attempt survivors, among others, repeatedly say works. They feel heard and validated, sometimes for the first time in years.

This is the heart of our work, one that does not seem to exist anywhere (at least not in the U.S.) and is completely independent, so all of us involved can speak - and hear - truth.

And I believe we are doing that (as responsibly and ethically as we can) but we are limited --- in resources, person power and media reach, and we need support - your support.

This is about more than suicide, much more. It's about honesty and transparency. It's about dignity and respect.

What's at STAKE?
If we continue to keep doing the same things, it's quite simple --
  • More people in more pain
  • More people losing hope
  • More people ending their lives

By subscribing to one of our Plans (Premium or Lifetime), you will not only be directly powering these weekly conversations, you will also be helping us move forward with several other important initiatives ---
  • Transcribe/subtitle all episodes (in English and select other languages)
  • Develop more programs to reach more people in more places
  • Boost our media presence
  • Take the show on the road
  • Online and in-person summits/retreats/classes 
  • And more (including hiring some much needed help)

And you will receive some sweet perks!

NOW What?

Join us TODAY to get access to all of this and help us help more people in more places to feel a little less shitty and a little less alone.

Who's the BALD GUY.
That's me - Sean, the guy that started this whole thing (from his kitchen in Chapel Hill, NC) in the summer of 2020.

I'll be including more information about me and my story in upcoming special episodes. In the meantime, check out this recent article by NC Health News!!

And if you're curious about my work in the story space
Read more
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What's up with the mosquito?
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Craig in North Carolina
Dita in Latvia 🇱🇻
S in North Carolina
Jo in California
Angela in Ontario 🇨🇦
Lucy in the Sky 🌙
+ 84 more episodes

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